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Potential field migration for rapid imaging of... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post Potential field migration for rapid imaging of...
Geophysical Prospecting: Potential field migration for rapid imaging of gravity gradiometry data

The geological interpretation of gravity gradiometry data is a very challenging problem. While maps of different gravity gradients may be correlated with geological structures present, maps alone cannot quantify 3D density distributions related to geological structures. 3D inversion represents the only practical tool for the quantitative interpretation of gravity gradiometry data. However, 3D inversion is a complicated and time‐consuming procedure that is very dependent on the a priori model and constraints used. To overcome these difficulties for the initial stages of an interpretation workflow, we introduce the concept of potential field migration, and demonstrate how it can be applied for rapid 3D imaging of entire gravity gradiometry surveys. This method is based on a direct integral transformation of the observed gravity gradients into a subsurface density distribution that can be used for interpretation or as an a priori model for subsequent 3D regularized inversion. For large‐scale surveys, we show how migration runs on the order of minutes compared to hours for 3D regularized inversion. Moreover, the results obtained from potential field migration are comparable to those obtained from regularized inversion with smooth stabilizers. We present a case study for the 3D imaging of FALCON airborne gravity gradiometry data from Broken Hill, Australia. We observe good agreement between results obtained from potential field migration and those generated by 3D regularized inversion.

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Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:08 am
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