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Breaking into the business 
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Joined: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:39 am
Posts: 1
Post Breaking into the business
Hi Everyone!

I'm a new member. I understand that there is a topic similar to this - "How to become a petrophysicist" - that was active a few months ago. Apologies for asking a similar type of question here.

My background is in theoretical atomic and molecular physics - I have a PhD. Anyway, unlike the previous poster, I have absolutely no prior experience in the oil and gas industry, and I'm trying to break in - my work history since graduate school has been entirely within academia. Another "problem" that I seem to have is that I am no longer a recent graduate, having been out of graduate school for 8 years.

However, I am extremely keen to get into petrophysics in Canada. I realize that due to my background and lack of experience the best I can hope for is some sort of trainee position. I don't mind this at all - I fully expect to have to do a lot of study, etc. in order to succeed. I'm more than happy to work hard. I do understand that there are numerous intro courses offered, but I can't afford to pay for such programs myself.

What I really need is some good advice from experienced guys within the industry - is it likely that someone with my background can make it. Are people with my type of background getting hired? Am I wasting my time? Any advice would be gratefully appreciated!

Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:40 am

Joined: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:15 pm
Posts: 36
Post Re: Breaking into the business
With your background I think you have a good chance with one of the logging companies in their R&D departments. Theoretical atomic and molecular physics is important science they use in many of the tools that are lowered down a hole. They will train you further...

If you are willing to relocate and work on the wellsite for some while (very good experience and very interesting/challenging job) then I think you are very welcome (with a PHD!!!) in any logging company!

Wed Sep 14, 2011 9:44 pm
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