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Automatic Electrofacies Identification 
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Joined: Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:31 pm
Posts: 18
Post Automatic Electrofacies Identification
Dear All,

I am using Interactive Petrophysics (IP) for my study. Complete sets of conventional well logs are available for electrofacies determination. Based on Serra (1989) using FACIOLOG, this analysis should be as the following:
1. Automatic Zoning of Logs
2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
2. Clustering Analysis

Can anyone share any document related to the above-mentioned topic?
In IP, PCA and Clustering Analysis for Rock Typing can be accessed from Advanced Interpretation menu.
1) Can you tell me how I can do the Automatic Zoning of Logs (squared log) using IP?
2) Is PCA a must do before Clustering Analysis (CA)? How can I have the correlation matrix of those combined logs from IP?
3) Or simply I can used Clustering Analysis for Rock Typing directly?

Your helps and time are highly appreciated.

Best regards,


Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:35 am
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