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Optimization approach to automatic first arrival... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
Posts: 14670
Post Optimization approach to automatic first arrival...
Geophysical Prospecting: Optimization approach to automatic first arrival picking for three‐component three‐dimensional vertical seismic profiling data

A new, adaptive multi‐criteria method for accurate estimation of three‐component three‐dimensional vertical seismic profiling of first breaks is proposed. Initially, we manually pick first breaks for the first gather of the three‐dimensional borehole set and adjust several coefficients to approximate the first breaks wave‐shape parameters. We then predict the first breaks for the next source point using the previous one, assuming the same average velocity. We follow this by calculating an objective function for a moving trace window to minimize it with respect to time shift and slope. This function combines four main properties that characterize first breaks on three‐component borehole data: linear polarization, signal/noise ratio, similarity in wave shapes for close shots and their stability in the time interval after the first break. We then adjust the coefficients by combining current and previous values. This approach uses adaptive parameters to follow smooth wave‐shape changes. Finally, we average the first breaks after they are determined in the overlapping windows. The method utilizes three components to calculate the objective function for the direct compressional wave projection. An adaptive multi‐criteria optimization approach with multi three‐component traces makes this method very robust, even for data contaminated with high noise. An example using actual data demonstrates the stability of this method.

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Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:28 am
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