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Electrical properties and geochemistry of carbonate... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post Electrical properties and geochemistry of carbonate...
Geophysical Prospecting: Electrical properties and geochemistry of carbonate rocks from the Qasr El‐Sagha Formation, El‐Faiyum, Egypt

Understanding petrographical, geochemical and electrical properties of rocks is essential for investigating minerals. This paper presents a study of the petrographical, geochemical and A.C. electrical properties of carbonate rock samples. The samples collected show six lithostratigraphic rock units.Electrical properties were measured using a non‐polarizing electrode at room temperature (∼20°C) and a relative atmospheric humidity of ∼50% by weight in the frequency range from 42 Hz to 5 MHz. The difference in electrical properties between the samples was attributed to the change in composition and texture between the samples. Electrical properties generally change with many factors (grain size, chemical composition, grain shape and facies). The dielectric constant decreases with frequency and increases with conductor composition. The conductivity increases with the increase of conductor paths between electrodes. Many parameters can contribute to the same result of the electrical properties.The main objective of the present study is to shed more light on the relation between the texture and geochemical composition of measured samples (carbonates that contain clays and quartz grains) through electrical laboratory measurements (conductivity and dielectric constant as a function of frequency).

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Tue May 22, 2012 4:27 pm
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