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community college for almost 3 years 
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Joined: Wed Jan 22, 2014 10:53 am
Posts: 1
Post community college for almost 3 years
Environmental Science or Geology? I've been at a community college for almost 3 years, and I'm needing to transfer to a university. I'm indecisive about what I want to major in. My major of choice was environmental science before I took a geology class and fell in love. I'm indecisive about choosing what school to go to, Texas State or UTSA. I live in austin and don't want to move away, and I don't think I would be able to get into UT austin.

Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:20 am

Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2014 12:26 am
Posts: 4
Post Re: community college for almost 3 years
I would go for geology, but i think environmental science is about the lamest most boring thing in the world and there's too many duechy hippies and liberals. That being said, if you suck at math you might not want to get into geology, although none of the math we learn would ever actually be used, but most schools now require at the bare minimum a shit ton of calculus as many programs are now earth-science, a mix of geochem,geophysics,geology and some go as far as atmosphere/ocean stuff, instead of a only geology program.

Also, make sure you look at transfers, im in a major uni and hate it but i cant transfer because of stupid school things. Its not the end of the world, more the city then the school is making me want to go elsewhere so I would consider your options carefully. Austin is a pretty rad city, id give it a solid look.

Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:20 am

Joined: Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:33 am
Posts: 31
Post Re: community college for almost 3 years
It's not rocket science to predict what answers you will get to this question on a board devoted to exploration geology....

To me the key thing is where you want to go with this later on. A lot of career opportunities in geology are related to exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources, and while there are plenty of exceptions (ground water, engineering geology and so on) these industries at the moment drive the demand (and so paychecks) for people with geology degrees.

I also see a lot of applications from people who have aimed to take easier paths through college/university by (for example) choosing courses that have a lower mathematical content..

Given I generally have 20+ applicants for every job, it tends to be those who have taken the harder path that make it to the interview stage. Skills and knowledge that are harder to obtain make you stand out and have the highest value. If you are going to invest time in being taught a skill, then make it a valuable one which would be hard to learn by yourself.

Sun Feb 16, 2014 8:59 pm
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