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How do i become a petrophysicist? 
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Joined: Fri Nov 09, 2012 6:54 pm
Posts: 1
Post How do i become a petrophysicist?
Hi all

So, I currently work offshore on various installations as a lowly inspector, its not 'cutting the mustard', just doesn't stimulate my grey matter one bit and im depressed. However, im a first year student of Physics! so the future is somewhat brighter than anticipated lol. Basically my dream job is to be petrophysicist and to get involved with the exploration and analysis of oil and gas.

Should i do all of my studying first then apply for graduate jobs or should i apply for 'training on the job' appointments whilst doing my physics studies?
also, should i pursue a PHd in the field? would it be a factor in getting employed?

Thanks guys

Fri Nov 09, 2012 7:33 pm

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:38 am
Posts: 80
Post Re: How do i become a petrophysicist?
If you are interested to become a petrophysicist, I would recommend you pursue your degree either in physics or preferably in geology. After that, you can apply to work for an oil company as a geologist or a trainee petrophysicist. An alternative will be to gain experience by working as a mud logger or well logging engineer and then apply to an oil company.

Sat Nov 10, 2012 6:55 am

Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:14 am
Posts: 2
Post Re: How do i become a petrophysicist?
Can anyone tell me what are the career paths for a Petrophysicist?
by career path i mean, for example, going from a new Petrophysicist to a Custodian etc.


Fri Dec 28, 2012 2:46 am

Joined: Tue Apr 05, 2011 8:38 am
Posts: 80
Post Re: How do i become a petrophysicist?
Hi Ricahrd,

I hope it is not too late to answer your question about the career path for a petrophysicist.
It depends on the individual company.
In our company, a petrophysicist can choose between management line and technical line.
If he/she chooses the technical line, his/her career path will progress from petrophysicist, senior petrophysicist, staff petrophysicist, principal petrophysicist and finally custodian.
He/she will have to undergo the required and relevant training courses, work and gain relevant experience, pass the various technical assessments conducted regularly to gauge his/her technical epertise/capability and perform well in his/her job.
We have technical career progression plan, training road map, individual coaching/mentoring plan to close their gaps on technical capability. They also have to undergo training in soft skills in addition to the technical ones. There is also an expected time frame for them to achieve their career goals.
If the petrophysicist chooses to take the management line, the career path will be different from the technical one. The progression will be from petrophysicist, senior petrophysicist, manager, senior manager, general manager, etc.
The training road map and career progression plan are also different from those who are in the technical line. Thos who following the management path will also have to undergo relevant technical and management courses and training in soft skills.

Fri Feb 22, 2013 9:03 am
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