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Gravity and magnetic investigation on the... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post Gravity and magnetic investigation on the...
Geophysical Prospecting: Gravity and magnetic investigation on the distribution of volcanic rocks in the Qinggelidi area, north‐eastern Junggar Basin (north‐west China)

A detailed investigation on the location of magmatic intrusions in the Carboniferous strata of the Qinggelidi area, north‐eastern Junggar Basin, is presented based on the interpretation of gravity and magnetic data constrained by petrophysical data, seismics and surface geology. The wavelet multi‐resolution analysis based on the discrete wavelet transform is adopted to the regional‐residual separation of gravity and magnetic anomalies. A power spectrum analysis is applied to estimate the source depths corresponding to different scales. A comparative analysis on the characteristics of local gravity and magnetic anomalies improved our understanding of volcanic rock distribution in the Carboniferous strata. Generally speaking, in total 75 anomalies are recognized, among which 23 are inferred to be the responses of basalts, diabases and andesites with high density and strong magnetization. Twelve anomalies are assumed to be caused by andesites, rhyolites and volcanic breccias with medium‐low density and high magnetization. There are still five anomalies that are believed to be generated by volcanic tuffs with low density and weak magnetization. Lastly, four cross‐sections in 3D gravity and magnetic modelling are displayed to provide a more thorough image of volcanic rocks in our study area.

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Mon Oct 24, 2011 4:56 pm
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