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Geophones on blocks... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post Geophones on blocks...
Geophysical Prospecting: Geophones on blocks: a prototype towable geophone system for shallow land seismic investigations

In recent years some authors have given a certain amount of attention to towed seismic reflection acquisition systems. Based on some of these works we sought to design and test a system making use of currently available geophones instead of specifically designed sensors as employed in some previous works. Thus, bearing in mind that the geophone's characteristics are achieved in the conditions that they are originally designed to be employed in, i.e., coupled with a spike driven into the ground, we devoted our attention to some of the variables involved in the geophone's performance, namely the total weight, the effect of a spikeless geophone and the surfaces on which the geophone is placed. Previously, we had experimentally verified some variations in the signal response due to coupling geophones in different surface materials, such as hard soil, asphalt and concrete pavement and we noticed that these surface materials were in fact an important factor in the overall response. Hence, these materials, or as we also called them coupling agents, could be employed as a base material in the construction of a mobile seismic acquisition device composed of blocks of a certain size, on which the geophone would be then inserted and thus making it into a spikeless surface towable system. Therefore, various materials were tested in order to select one that could maintain a similar fidelity to that of the spike coupled geophone and thus contribute towards building a more time efficient and towable geophone and block system. Pinging tests revealed variations in the coupling frequency and damping characteristics of each coupling agent and from all of these tested materials one was selected for field comparative tests with the normally planted geophones with spike coupling. Finally a seismic reflection profile was acquired simultaneously with both systems, i.e., spike coupling versus cement block coupled geophones.This field test showed similar results in terms of signal levels and frequency content and therefore it was possible to observe the presence of the same reflectors and other seismic events in either of the time sections.With this experiment we propose not only a system that allows a time efficient seismic field operation but we also aim to encourage more research into the response dependency of the coupling agent of which the towable base block is made of.

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Fri Jul 08, 2011 2:25 pm
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