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Resisitivity of NaCl Water Solutions 

Resisitivity of NaCl Water Solutions
Description: This chart has a twofold purpose. The first is to determine the resistivity of an equivalent NaCl concentration at a specific temperature. The second is to provide a transition of resistivity at a specific temperature to another temperature. The solution resistivity value and temperature at which the value was determined are used to approximate the NaCl ppm concentration. The two-cycle log scale on the x-axis presents two temperature scales for Fahrenheit and Celsius. Resistivity values are on the left four-cycle log scale y-axis. The NaCl concentration in ppm and grains/gal at 75°F [24°C] is on the right y-axis. The conversion approximation equation for the temperature (T) effect on the resistivity (R) value at the top of the chart is valid only for the temperature range of 68° to 212°F [20° to 100°C].
Source: © Log Interpretation Chartbook (2009), Schlumberger
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Density of Water versus Temperature
Uploaded:Sun Nov 09, 2014 5:01 pm

Conversion Factors for NaCL concentrations, Temperature and Oil API

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