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The Pleistocene tectono‐‐sedimentary evolution of the... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post The Pleistocene tectono‐‐sedimentary evolution of the...
Basin Research: The Pleistocene tectono‐‐sedimentary evolution of the Apenninic foreland basin between Trigno and Fortore rivers (Southern Italy) through a sequence‐stratigraphic perspective

A basin‐scale, integrated approach, including sedimentological, geomorphological and soil data, enables the reliable reconstruction of the infilling history of the southern Apenninic foredeep, with its subsequent inclusion in the wedge‐top of the foreland basin system. An example is shown from the Molise‐Apulian Apennines (Southern Italy), between Trigno and Fortore rivers, where the Pleistocene tectono‐sedimentary evolution of the basin is framed into a sequence‐stratigraphic scheme. Specifically, within the traditional subdivision into Quaternary marine (Qm) and Quaternary continental (Qc) depositional cycles, five third‐order depositional sequences (Qm1, Qm2, Qc1, Qc2 and Qc3) are identified based on recognition of four major stratigraphic discontinuities. The lower sequence boundaries are represented by angular unconformities or abrupt facies shifts and are generally associated with distinctive pedological and geomorphological features. Three paleosols, observed at top of depositional sequences Qm2, Qc1 and Qc2, represent pedostratigraphic markers that can be tracked basinwide. The geomorphological response to major tectono‐sedimentary events is marked by a series of paleosurfaces with erosional, depositional and complex characteristics. Detailed investigation of the relationships between stratigraphic architecture and development of unconformities, paleosols and paleosurfaces suggests that the four sequence boundaries were formed in response to four geomorphological phases/tectonic events which affected the basin during the Quaternary. The first three tectonic events (Lower‐Middle Pleistocene), marking the lower boundaries of sequences Qm2, Qc1 and Qc2, respectively, are interpreted to be related to the tectonic regime that characterized the last phase of thrusting recorded in the Southern Apennines. In contrast, sequence Qc3 does not display evidence of thrust tectonics and accumulated as a result of a phase of regional uplift starting with the Middle Pleistocene.

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Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:05 pm
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