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Application of seismic and sequence stratigraphic... 
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Joined: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:00 pm
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Post Application of seismic and sequence stratigraphic...
Basin Research: Application of seismic and sequence stratigraphic concepts to a lava‐fed delta system in the Faroe‐Shetland Basin, UK and Faroes

Detailed seismic stratigraphic analysis of 2D seismic data over the Faroe‐Shetland Escarpment has identified 13 seismic reflection units that record lava‐fed delta deposition during discrete periods of volcanism. Deposition was dominated by progradation, during which the time shoreline migrated a maximum distance of ∼44 km in an ESE direction. Localised collapse of the delta front followed the end of progradation, as a decrease in volcanic activity left the delta unstable. Comparison with modern lava‐fed delta systems on Hawaii suggests that syn‐volcanic subsidence is a potential mechanism for apparent relative sea level rise and creation of new accommodation space during lava‐fed delta deposition. After the main phase of progradation, retrogradation of the delta occurred during a basinwide syn‐volcanic relative sea level rise where the shoreline migrated a maximum distance of ∼75 km in a NNW direction. This rise in relative sea level was of the order of 175–200 m, and was followed by the progradation of smaller, perched lava‐fed deltas into the newly created accommodation space. Active delta deposition and the emplacement of lava flows feeding the delta front lasted ∼2600 years, although the total duration of the lava‐fed delta system, including pauses between eruptions, may have been much longer.

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Sat Jun 18, 2011 7:21 am
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