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Resistivity Phase Diff Compensated Borehole and Inversion Corrected Long 400kHz (RPCVL)

This is an acronym for a well log used in the oil and gas industry. The acronym RPCVL is a unique identifier to recognize this particular log and can be encountered in your log evaluation software or your corporate datastores. Resistivity Phase Diff Compensated Borehole and Inversion Corrected Long 400kHz is the full name for this log. Usage of this log is not high and encountering it is a rare occasion.

This log displays readings of the formation resistivity as measured by the phase shift of a high frequency electromagnetic wave (hundreds of KHz to several MHz, 1.1 GHz in the case of Schlumberger's EPT tool); these measurements are typically sharp (good vertical resolution) and have good dynamic range, but their depth of investigation is less than that of measurements based on attenuation. In general this is a measurement of the electromagnetic propagation resistivity. This is a measure of the formation resistivity as measured by the attenuation or phase shift of a high frequency electromagnetic wave; the frequency range for these measurements is higher than that of induction measurements, typically hundreds of KHz to several MHz, and over 1 GHz in the case of the Schlumberger EPT tool.

This log usually has the unit 'Resistivity'. This is the property of a material which resists the flow of electrical current. The ratio of electric-field intensity to current density. The reciprocal of conductivity.

Data for this log is produced by a tool that uses a electromagnetic logging technique and can be used to investigate the resistivity of the formation. Similar logs are listed below:

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